Shapewear from Shapellx


Slimming underwear does not appeal to everyone because of its appearance. Although it does not belong to sensual underwear, it perfectly corrects our figure. Above all, it is very practical. It is commonly believed that this type of underwear is aimed at women with voluminous shapes, but it is not entirely true. Our body is constantly changing throughout our lives and the menstrual cycle. This applies to every woman regardless of size. We have a very large selection of all kinds of underwear modeling our figure on the market. They differ not only in price, but also in the cut and the degree of correction. These models focus on individual parts of our figure, and some of them even on the entire figure. In today's post, I will present you a few models that in my opinion are the best choice when it comes to plus size waist trainer

Slimming and correcting suit A slimming suit with short legs turns out to be very good under control. There is a rather uncommon choice as few know it exists. It focuses on the perfect modeling of such parts of our body as buttocks, abdomen, hips, thighs and our bust. We can go to a larger outing, but also on a daily basis. It is a very convenient and practical model. The suit slim the thighs and guarantees a comfortable fence. It prevents chafing on the thighs, does not roll or slide. It is also not distinguished under clothing, our quiet life is under our clothes. Shapewear dress.

Strapless slimming body Bodysuits are a choice for a larger outing or unusual. They can be worn under tight-fitting clothes. They model one body part such as the abdomen, hips, buttocks and even the production and corrects our bust. Here I came across a body model without the body shaper with zipper on the front. It models not only the above-mentioned parts of the body, but also, thanks to the legs, corrects our thighs. In my opinion, it is a type of underwear, we can wear it under any clothes and on a daily basis. The waist trainer for women will also be a good choice


  1. Wow świetne podpowiedzi modowe

  2. zawsze łatwiej jest zadbać o wagę, przynajmniej efekt będzie trwały ;) ale jak zbliżał się ślub kuzynki, ja miałam gotową sukienkę na wyjście i okazało się że w nią nie wejdę to też skorzystałam z bielizny modelującej, by jednak się dobrze prezentować :D to mnie też zmotywowało do ćwiczeń by sytuacja się nie powtórzyła ;)

  3. czy któraś z was już testowała te lub podobne produkty? przybrało mi się 3 kg ostatnio i nie wiem czy warto iść w takie super wyszczuplające body, czy wystarczy zwykła sukienka czy spódnica modelująca o odpowiednim kroju? przyjmę wszelkie wskazówki :D


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