Top 6 Women's Lingerie Trends for 2023

It might seem like lingerie is a kind of timeless thing but, like everything in the world, the world of  wholesale lingerie is constantly changing. 

There are new fashions, styles, and approaches that develop every year. 

And we’re going to talk about six of the largest trends going on in wholesale lingerie right now. Whether you’re looking to update your current wardrobe or find inspiration for a new purchase,  this is a comprehensive overview of the major trends in the world of women’s lingerie fashion  right now. 

Some of these may be familiar to veterans of the scene while others might be totally new.  Wherever you stand, we’ll be sure to outline the trend in enough depth to help empower you to  make informed choices when it comes to your future wholesale lingerie purchases.

The Bra as Lingerie and Daily Wear

It’s hard to deny the staying power of the bra as a fashion item. While the uncreative among us  may simply view it as a utilitarian piece of daily wear, the fashion-forward know just how many  cutting-edge styles you can implement with the simple bra. One current movement is pairing a  bra with a sheer top, often in starkly contrasting colors, Whether heavy on lace or other embellishment, you want to consider how these elements work together to provide definition  and contrast. Although this might seem like it is a trend for the braver among us, bras can be  paired with regular tops, again, highlighting some sort of contrast in color between the two.  Popular color combinations right now include black and white, red and black, and emerald and  black. As you’ll note from the above list, the contrast tends to be quite strong between the two  colors thus avoiding the ambiguity that more muted colors can imbue - particularly when looking  at the satin styles of wholesale lingerie and bras. 

Thongs are Back 

For some people, thongs never went out of style, but for the broader fashion industry, low-cut bottoms were somewhat passe until the past year or so. The appropriately named peekaboo thong is the current hot item and, when paired with the right bottom, is a statement piece for the ages. Again, what you’re looking for here is dynamic contrasts and highlighting. You want your thong and your bottom to work with one another to create a “look” rather than an assemblage. While there is nothing wrong with approaching thongs as a normal part of your undergarments, we’re talking about elevating it to the level of a statement piece which means that color and texture need to be considered as well as other details such as how it sits on your hips in comparison to your choice of bottoms. When utilized in tandem with some of the other trends on this list, you will quickly realize just how integral lingerie can be in crafting an aesthetic.

Using a Slip as a Dress 

This is a timeless approach to the slip but it is one that younger generations are just now discovering. The awesome thing about this “trend” is that there are more styles, colors, and textures than many of us can imagine. Slips not only show how diverse and expansive wholesale lingerie can be but also just how versatile they are in everyday wear. Don’t forget to consider accessories and how they pair with this as well. A popular combination is the satin slip with contrasting undergarments and large statement jewelry in gold or shiny silver. It is probably best to stick to bright colors and shiny textures rather than a more matte look. The reason for this is that you want to watch your clothing and accessories work in concert and, typically, a more matte color subdues everything. 

Combining Styles and Collections 

Normally, lingerie follows a kind of unitary look or, in other words, the tops and the bottoms tend to follow a theme whether minimalist or embellished. This makes sense, too, as regular clothing also hews to this unspoken rule. But rules are meant to be broken and, when it comes to lingerie, mixing and matching is the go-to strategy for creating dynamic, powerful looks with only a couple of staple wholesale lingerie pieces. For example, a minimal strap top with a ruffled, embellished bottom draws attention to both pieces at the same time. Consider this in contrast to a top and bottom of the same style. The latter is more likely to present as one piece whereas the former strategy gives you the boost of two separate fashion statements. 

Underwires for Maximum Bust 

During the past couple of years, the “cozy” and relaxed trend dominated across multiple lines. But in the world of wholesale lingerie, the return of the underwire bra is a marked restoration of classic form. While more comfortable sports bras might be preferable in some situations, underwire bras allow for maximum bust and sculpting of your decolletage. Who said fashion had to be comfortable, after all? Even so, there are a range of underwire bras that provide different possible styles as well as levels of comfort. In other words, there’s something out there for everyone and you shouldn’t miss this trend because you are wary about how comfortable this staple piece will feel.

Complementary Colors, Contrasting Textures 

Along with the mixing and matching of pieces from different styles and collections is the simultaneous rise of color wheels and considered pieces. One thing about this trend, however, is that you have to think. We like to use the three-color system. There are a ton of guides out there to help you figure out which three color combinations work best for you but think of it like this: A color for the top, a color for the bottom, and a third color for accessories and the like. Why do we advise three colors? This is primarily because two colors have to work way harder to present that same dynamic package that three colors can achieve. If you notice marketing materials and even product packaging in stores you will likely see quite quickly that they follow this unspoken rule. It also allows you to build variety and assemble various pieces in your wholesale lingerie collection. 

Although trends in fashion come and go, this season’s hottest styles call back to earlier, more timeless ensembles. That means you can’t go wrong if you go hard with this year’s trends and you will likely end up building a wardrobe collection that will serve you seasons to come.


  1. I love colours in clothes. I almost never wear black.

  2. Absolutely love how lingerie is evolving. The bra as daily wear is such a bold move, and the contrasting colors trend is right up my alley. Time to redefine fashion with every intimate piece.


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